Koreana Hotel (Main Hotel)
Open : 15th December, 1972
Classification : ★★★★★
Adress : 61-1 Ga Taepyungro, Joong Gu, 100-101, Seoul, Korea
Tel : 82-2-2171-7000
Fax : 82-2-734-0665
Email : reservation@koreanahotel.com
Structure : Twenty stories above ground and four below (Room : 10th-23rd)
Parking lot : Outdoors
How to Reserve a room
Special room rate will be provided to all participants of Phosphor Safari 2018, who are encouraged to make their reservation by 10 15 October, 2018 to get the symposium special rate.
1. Reservation from will be available at web.
2. Please send to secretariat of Phosphor Safari 2018 by e-mail (sbkwon92@skku.edu) NOT to each hotel directly.

(per 1 person)
1. All rates are per room per night and do NOT include breakfast.
2. 10% service charge and 10% tax are included the above room rates.
3. All Rates of room are 2 people use per night base.
4. Rooms will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis.
5. To secure your reservation, your credit card information (card number, expiry date, card holder’s name) is required.
6. Room charges and additional individual charges shall be paid to the hotel directly upon check-in or check-out.